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Couples Therapy

Being in an unhappy relationship can be difficult and can make life unsatisfying


There are different stages in relationship with different challenges.  It is common for individuals within a couple to feel unhappy at some stage in the relationship. In marriage and partnership this may result in the couple arguing, feeling resentful, isolated, angry, avoiding each other and even having affairs. 


The question of whether to stay or leave may be at the front of one or both partners’ minds.


  • Differences in sexual desire

  • Communication problems

  • Lack of intimacy

  • Healing and disclosure of infidelity

  • Sexless relationship

  • Sex issues

  • Long term illness


Some common pressures that frequently create cause relationships to drift apart are:

  • Communication issues

  • Excessively busy lifestyle

  • Juggling family, friends and work

  • Raising children

  • Balancing dreams and careers.


Relationship therapy helps individuals and couples establish healthy communication in their relationship. The focus is mainly on the couple and how changes may be affecting their relationship. My approach is integrative with the aim to enable the couple to regain the balance and explore their relationship dynamics in a safe non-judgmental environment.

My role as couple therapist is to facilitate communication where individuals in the couple feel safe to expresses their feelings, needs and feel listened to in a safe environment.


One key point to note is:

  • Sometimes sexual problems create relationship problems

  • Sometimes relationship problems create sexual problems.


I will help facilitate communication where individuals in the couple feel safe to expresses their feelings, needs and feel listened to in a safe environment.


This is an approach that exists to help depressed individuals in committed relationships learn to cope with their depression as a team with their partner.  Additionally, couples are helped to have the most positive, healthiest relationship possible. 


  • Partners of depressed individuals often want to help, but don't know how.  This treatment helps both members of the couple better understand depression and how to support one another in this process.

  • This treatment teaches a variety of practical techniques to help couples combat depression as a team.  Some of the techniques used are similar to what is used in individual therapy, but in this treatment partners learn how to help the individual overcome depression.

  • Depression can sometimes make having a healthy relationship more difficult; if you have been experiencing relationship concerns, those are addressed as well.

  • Finally, research suggests that this treatment works as well as, and sometimes better than, individual treatment for depression.  Additionally, this treatment can enhance and strengthen relationships.


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